opyenxes.utils package


opyenxes.utils.CompareUtils module

opyenxes.utils.CompareUtils.compare_to_boolean(bool_1, bool_2)[source]

This function compares two boolean

  • bool_1 – The first boolean to compare.
  • bool_2 – The second boolean to compare with the first

The value 0 if if bool_1 represents the same boolean value as the bool_2 a value less than 0 if bool_1 represents true and bool_2 represents false; and a value greater than 0 if bool_1 represents false and bool_2 represents true.

Return type:


opyenxes.utils.CompareUtils.compare_to_number(number_1, number_2)[source]

This function compares two number, integer or float

  • number_1 – The first number to compare.
  • number_2 – The second number to compare with the first

The value 0 if the number_2 is equal to number_1; a value less than 0 if number_2 is greater than number_1; and a value greater than 0 if the number_2 is less than number_1.

Return type:


opyenxes.utils.CompareUtils.compare_to_string(string_1, string_2)[source]

This function compares two string

  • string_1 – The first string to compare.
  • string_2 – The second string to compare with the first

The value 0 if the string_2 is lexicographically equal to string_1; a value less than 0 if string_2 is lexicographically greater than string_1; and a value greater than 0 if the string_2 is lexicographically less than string_1.

Return type:


opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator module

class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XConceptExtensionMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XConceptExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XCostAmountMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XCostAmount class

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XCostDriverMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XCostDriver class

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XCostExtensionMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XCostExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XCostTypeMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XCostType class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XExtensionManagerMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XExtensionManager class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XExtensionMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XFactoryRegistryMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XFactoryRegistry class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XGlobalAttributeNameMapMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XGlobalAttributeNameMap class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XIDFactoryMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XIDFactory class

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XIdentityExtensionMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XIdentityExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XLifecycleExtensionMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XLifecycleExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XMicroExtensionMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XMicroExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XOrganizationalExtensionMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XOrganizationalExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XParserRegistryMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XOrganizationalExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XSemanticExtensionMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XOrganizationalExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XSerializerRegistryMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XOrganizationalExtension class.

instance = None
class opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator.XTimeExtensionMetaclass[source]

Bases: type

This Metaclass produce a singleton XMicroExtension class.

instance = None

opyenxes.utils.XAttributeUtils module

class opyenxes.utils.XAttributeUtils.XAttributeType[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ID = 5
LIST = 6
class opyenxes.utils.XAttributeUtils.XAttributeUtils[source]

Bases: object

Utilities for working with attributes.

static derive_prototype(instance)[source]

Derives a prototype for the given attribute. This prototype attribute will be equal in all respects, expect for the value of the attribute. This value will be set to a default value, depending on the specific type of the given attribute.

Parameters:instance (XAttribute) – Attribute to derive prototype from.
Returns:The derived prototype attribute.
Return type:XAttribute
static get_type(attribute)[source]

For the given attribute, returns its type, i.e., the most high-level, typed interface this attribute implements.

Parameters:attribute (XAttribute) – Attribute to analyze.
Returns:Class of this attribute.
Return type:type
static get_type_string(attribute)[source]

For the given attribute, derives the standardized string describing the attributes specific type (used, e.g., for serialization).

Parameters:attribute (XAttribute) – Attribute to extract type string from.
Returns:String representation of the attribute’s specific type.
Return type:str

opyenxes.utils.XRegistry module

class opyenxes.utils.XRegistry.XRegistry[source]

Bases: object

Template implementation for a generic registry.


Retrieves the current default instance.

Returns:The current default instance.
Return type:Any

Retrieves an unmodifiable set of all available instances.

Returns:Tuple of all available instances.
Return type:tuple

Registers a new instance with this registry.

Parameters:instance (Any.) – Instance to be registered.

Sets the current default instance of this registry.

Parameters:instance (Any) – Instance to be the current default of this registry.

opyenxes.utils.XRuntimeUtils module

class opyenxes.utils.XRuntimeUtils.XRuntimeUtils[source]

Bases: object

This class provides runtime utilities for library components. Its main purpose is to identify the host OS, and to locate a standard support folder location on each platform.


Determines the current host platform.

Returns:Current host platform.
Return type:str

Retrieves the directory file of the platform-dependent OpenXES extension definition file folder.

Returns:the directory file of the platform-dependent.
Return type:str

Retrieves the path of the platform-dependent OpenXES support folder.

Returns:The path of the platform-dependent OpenXES support folder.
Return type:str

Checks whether the current platform is Linux.

Returns:True if the current platform is Linux. False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Checks whether the current platform is Mac OS X.

Returns:True if the current platform is Mac OS X. False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Checks whether the current platform is some flavor of Unix.

Returns:True if the current platform is some flavor of Unix. False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Checks whether the current platform is Windows.

Returns:True if the current platform is Windows. False otherwise.
Return type:bool
openxes_version = '1.0RC7'
xes_version = '1.0'

opyenxes.utils.XTimer module

class opyenxes.utils.XTimer.XTimer[source]

Bases: object

This class implements a simple timer that can be used to quickly profile the speed of operations within library components. The timer simply uses the system time for timing, and thus does not incur significant overhead on runtime.

DAY_MILLIS = 86400000
HOUR_MILLIS = 3600000
static format_duration(millis)[source]

Formats a duration in milliseconds as a pretty-print string.

Parameters:millis (int or float) – Duration in milliseconds.
Returns:Given duration as a pretty-print string.
Return type:str

Retrieve the runtime of the timer.

Returns:Runtime between start (or creation of timer) and stop, in milliseconds.
Return type:int

Retrieve the runtime of the timer as a pretty-print string.

Returns:Runtime between start (or creation of timer) and stop, as a pretty-print string.
Return type:str

Starts the timer.


Stops the timer (takes time).

opyenxes.utils.XTokenHelper module

class opyenxes.utils.XTokenHelper.XTokenHelper[source]

Bases: object

static extract_tokens(token_string)[source]
static format_token(token)[source]

opyenxes.utils.XsDateTimeConversion module


Transform the date in string format to datetime format

Parameters:date_time (str) – The date in string format
Returns:The date in datetime format
Return type:datetime

Module contents