opyenxes.info package


opyenxes.info.XAttributeInfo module

class opyenxes.info.XAttributeInfo.XAttributeInfo[source]

Bases: object

This class provides aggregate information about attributes within one container in the log type hierarchy. For example, it may store information about all event attributes in a log.


Provides access to prototypes of all registered attributes’ keys.

Returns:A tuple of attribute keys.
Return type:tuple

Provides access to prototypes of all registered attributes.

Returns:A tuple of attribute prototypes.
Return type:tuple

For a given extension, returns prototypes of all registered attributes defined by that extension.

Parameters:extension (XExtension) – Requested attribute extension.
Returns:A tuple of attribute prototypes registered for that extension.
Return type:tuple

For a given type, returns prototypes of all registered attributes with that type.

Parameters:type_argument (type) – Requested attribute type.
Returns:A tuple of attribute prototypes registered for that type.
Return type:tuple

Returns prototypes of all registered attributes defined by no extension.

Returns:A tuple of attribute prototypes registered for no extension.
Return type:tuple

Returns the total frequency, i.e. number of occurrences, for the requested attribute.

Parameters:element (str or XAttribute) – Key of an attribute or an attribute.
Returns:Total frequency of that attribute as registered.
Return type:int

For a given extension, returns the keys of all registered attributes defined by that extension.

Parameters:extension (XExtension) – Requested attribute extension.
Returns:A tuple of attribute keys registered for that extension.
Return type:tuple

For a given type, returns the keys of all registered attributes with that type.

Parameters:type_argument (type) – Requested attribute type.
Returns:A tuple of attribute keys registered for that type.
Return type:tuple

Returns keys of all registered attributes defined by no extension.

Returns:A tuple of attribute keys registered for no extension.
Return type:tuple

Returns the relative frequency, i.e. between 0 and 1, for the requested attribute.

Parameters:element (str or XAttribute) – Key of an attribute or an attribute.
Returns:Relative frequency of that attribute as registered.
Return type:int

Registers a concrete attribute with this registry.

Parameters:attribute (XAttribute) – Attribute to be registered.

opyenxes.info.XAttributeNameMap module

class opyenxes.info.XAttributeNameMap.XAttributeNameMap(name)[source]

Bases: object

Implements an attribute name mapping.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the mapping.

Returns the name of this mapping.

Returns:The name of this mapping.
Return type:str

Returns the name mapped onto the provided attribute by this mapping. If no mapping for the given attribute is provided by this map, null is returned.

Parameters:attribute (XAttribute or Str) – Attribute or Attribute key to retrieve mapping for.
Returns:The mapping for the given attribute key, or null, if no such mapping exists.
Return type:str
register_mapping(attribute, alias)[source]

Registers a mapping for a given attribute or attribute key.

  • attribute (XAttribute or str) – Attribute or attribute key for which to register a mapping.
  • alias (str) – Alias string to map the attribute to.

opyenxes.info.XGlobalAttributeNameMap module

class opyenxes.info.XGlobalAttributeNameMap.XGlobalAttributeNameMap[source]

Bases: object

This singleton class implements a global attribute name mapping facility and can manage a number of attribute name mappings. Further, this class also acts as a proxy to the standard mapping, i.e. it can be used directly as a attribute name mapping instance.


Returns the names of all available mappings. Note that referenced mappings may be empty.

Returns:A tuple of names of all available mappings.
Return type:tuple

Returns all available mappings. Note that returned mappings may be empty.

Returns:A tuple of all available mappings.
Return type:tuple

Provides access to a specific attribute name mapping by its name. If the requested mapping does not exist yet, a new mapping will be created, added to the set of managed mappings, and returned. This means, this method will always return a mapping, but this could be empty.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the requested mapping.
Returns:The requested mapping, as stored in this facility (or newly created).
Return type:XAttributeNameMap
static get_mapping_name()[source]

Returns the name of this mapping.

Returns:The name of this mapping.
Return type:str

Retrieves the standard attribute name mapping, i.e. the EN english language mapping.

Returns:The standard mapping.
Return type:XAttributeNameMap

Returns the name mapped onto the provided attribute by this mapping. If no mapping for the given attribute is provided by this map, null is returned.

Parameters:attribute (str or XAttribute) – Attribute or attribute key to retrieve mapping for.
Returns:The mapping for the given attribute, or null, if no such mapping exists.
Return type:str
map_safely(attribute, mapping)[source]

Maps an attribute safely, using the given attribute mapping. Safe mapping attempts to map the attribute using the given mapping first. If this does not succeed, the standard mapping (EN) will be used for mapping. If no mapping is available in the standard mapping, the original attribute key is returned unchanged. This way, it is always ensured that this method returns a valid string for naming attributes.

  • attribute (XAttribute or str) – Attribute to map or key of the attribute to map.
  • mapping (str or XAttributeNameMap) – Name of the mapping to be used preferably or attribute name map to be used preferably.

The safe mapping for the given attribute.

Return type:


register_mapping(mapping_name, attribute_key, alias)[source]

Registers a known attribute for mapping in a given attribute name map. IMPORTANT: This method should only be called when one intends to create, or add to, the global attribute name mapping.

  • mapping_name (str) – Name of the mapping to register with.
  • attribute_key (str) – Attribute key to be mapped.
  • alias (str) – Alias to map the given attribute to.

opyenxes.info.XLogInfo module

class opyenxes.info.XLogInfo.XLogInfo(log, default_classifier, classifiers)[source]

Bases: object

This class implements a bare-bones log info summary which can be created on demand by using applications. The log info summary is based on an event classifier, which is used to identify event class abstractions.

  • log (XLog) – The event log to create an info summary for.
  • default_classifier (XEventAttributeClassifier) – The default event classifier to be used
  • classifiers (list[XEventAttributeClassifier]) – A collection of additional event classifiers to be covered by the created log info instance.
LIFECYCLE_TRANSITION_CLASSIFIER = <opyenxes.classification.XEventLifeTransClassifier.XEventLifeTransClassifier object>
NAME_CLASSIFIER = <opyenxes.classification.XEventNameClassifier.XEventNameClassifier object>
RESOURCE_CLASSIFIER = <opyenxes.classification.XEventResourceClassifier.XEventResourceClassifier object>
STANDARD_CLASSIFIER = <opyenxes.classification.XEventAttributeClassifier.XEventAttributeClassifier object>
static create(log, default_classifier=None, classifiers=None)[source]

Creates a new log info summary with the standard event classifier.

  • log (XLog) – The event log to create an info summary for.
  • default_classifier (XEventAttributeClassifier) – The default event classifier to be used
  • classifiers (list[XEventAttributeClassifier]) – A collection of additional event classifiers to be covered by the created log info instance.

The log info summary for this log.

Return type:



Retrieves attribute information about all attributes this log contains on the event level.

Returns:Attribute information on the event level.
Return type:XAttributeInfo

Retrieves the event classes for a given classifier. Note: The given event classifier must be covered by this log info, i.e., the log info must have been created with this classifier. Otherwise, this method will return null. You can retrieve the collection of event classifiers covered by this log info instance by calling the method getEventClassifiers().

Parameters:classifier (XEventAttributeClassifier or None) – The classifier for which to retrieve the event classes.
Returns:The requested event classes, or null if the given event classifier is not covered by this log info instance.
Return type:XEventClasses

Retrieves the set of event classifiers covered by this log info, i.e., for which event classes are registered in this log info instance.

Returns:The tuple of event classifiers covered by this log info instance.
Return type:tuple

Retrieves the log used for this summary.

Returns:The event log which this summary describes.
Return type:XLog

Retrieves attribute information about all attributes this log contains on the log level.

Returns:Attribute information on the log level.
Return type:XAttributeInfo

Retrieves the global timestamp boundaries of this log.

Returns:Timestamp boundaries for the complete log.

:rtype XTimeBounds


Retrieves attribute information about all attributes this log contains on the meta (i.e., attribute) level.

Returns:Attribute information on the meta level.
Return type:XAttributeInfo

Retrieves the event name classes of the summarized log.

Returns:The event name classes of the summarized log.
Return type:XEventClasses

Retrieves the total number of events in this log.

Returns:Total number of events.
Return type:int

Retrieves the number of traces in this log.

Returns:Number of traces available in this log.
Return type:int

Retrieves the resource classes of the summarized log.

Returns:The resource classes of the summarized log.
Return type:XEventClasses

Retrieves attribute information about all attributes this log contains on the trace level.

Returns:Attribute information on the trace level.
Return type:XAttributeInfo

Retrieves the timestamp boundaries for a specified trace.

Parameters:trace – Trace to be queried for.
Returns:Timestamp boundaries for the indicated trace.
Return type:XTimeBounds

Retrieves the lifecycle transition classes of the summarized log.

Returns:The lifecycle transition classes of the summarized log.
Return type:XEventClasses
register_attributes(attribute_info, attributable)[source]

Registers all attributes of a given attributable, i.e. model type hierarchy element, in the given attribute info registry.

  • attribute_info (XAttributeInfo) – Attribute info registry to use for registration.
  • attributable (XAttributable) – Attributable whose attributes to register.

Creates the internal data structures of this summary on setup from the log.

opyenxes.info.XLogInfoFactory module

class opyenxes.info.XLogInfoFactory.XLogInfoFactory[source]

Bases: object

Factory for deriving log info summaries from logs.

static create_log_info(log, classifier=None)[source]

Creates a new log info summary with a custom or standard event classifier.

  • log (XLog) – The event log to create an info summary for.
  • classifier (XEventAttributeClassifier) – The event classifier to be used.

The log info summary for this log.

Return type:


opyenxes.info.XTimeBounds module

class opyenxes.info.XTimeBounds.XTimeBounds[source]

Bases: object

This class implements timestamp boundaries, which can be used to describe the temporal extent of a log, or of a contained trace.


Returns the latest timestamp of these boundaries (right bound).

Returns:The latest timestamp of these boundaries.
Return type:datetime

Returns the earliest timestamp of these boundaries (left bound).

Returns:The earliest timestamp of these boundaries.
Return type:datetime

Checks, whether the given date is within these boundaries.

Parameters:date (datetime) – Date to be checked.
Returns:Whether the specified date is within these boundaries.
Return type:bool

Registers the given timestamp boundaries. These timestamp boundaries will be potentially adjusted to accomodate for inclusion of the given boundaries.

Parameters:element (XTimeBounds or XEvent or datetime) – Timestamp boundaries to be registered.

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