Source code for opyenxes.extension.std.XCostExtension

from urllib.parse import urlparse
from import XGlobalAttributeNameMap
from opyenxes.extension.std.XAbstractNestedAttributeSupport import XAbstractNestedAttributeSupport
from opyenxes.extension.XExtension import XExtension
from opyenxes.factory.XFactoryRegistry import XFactoryRegistry
from opyenxes.utils.SingletonClassGenerator import XCostExtensionMetaclass, XCostAmountMetaclass, XCostDriverMetaclass, XCostTypeMetaclass

[docs]class XCostAmount(XAbstractNestedAttributeSupport, metaclass=XCostAmountMetaclass): """Class which value contains the cost amount for a cost driver. Uses the singleton metaclass """
[docs] def extract_value(self, attribute): """Abstract method to extract a value from an element. :param attribute: The element to extract the value from. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :return: The extracted value. :rtype: float """ return XCostExtension().extract_amount(attribute)
[docs] def assign_value(self, attribute, value): """Abstract method to assign a value to an element. :param attribute: The element to assign the value to. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :param value: The value to be assigned. :type value: float """ XCostExtension().assign_amount(attribute, value)
[docs]class XCostDriver(XAbstractNestedAttributeSupport, metaclass=XCostDriverMetaclass): """Class which value contains the cost amount for a cost driver. Uses the singleton metaclass """
[docs] def extract_value(self, attribute): """Abstract method to extract a value from an element. :param attribute: The element to extract the value from. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :return: The extracted value. :rtype: str """ return XCostExtension().extract_driver(attribute)
[docs] def assign_value(self, attribute, value): """Abstract method to assign a value to an element. :param attribute: The element to assign the value to. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :param value: The value to be assigned. :type value: str """ XCostExtension().assign_driver(attribute, value)
[docs]class XCostType(XAbstractNestedAttributeSupport, metaclass=XCostTypeMetaclass): """Class which value contains the cost type (e.g., Fixed,Overhead, Materials). Uses the singleton metaclass """
[docs] def extract_value(self, attribute): """Abstract method to extract a value from an element. :param attribute: The element to extract the value from. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :return: The extracted value. :rtype: str """ return XCostExtension().extract_type(attribute)
[docs] def assign_value(self, attribute, value): """Abstract method to assign a value to an element. :param attribute: The element to assign the value to. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :param value: The value to be assigned. :type value: str """ XCostExtension().assign_type(attribute, value)
[docs]class XCostExtension(XExtension, metaclass=XCostExtensionMetaclass): """This extension provides costs for traces and events. It defines five attributes: * cost total: Contains total cost incurred for a trace or an event. The value represents the sum of all the cost amounts within the element. * cost currecny: Any valid currency format. * cost amount: The value contains the cost amount for a cost driver. * cost driver: The value contains the id for the cost driver used to calculate the cost. * cost type: The value contains the cost type (e.g., Fixed, Overhead, Materials). Uses the singleton metaclass """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("Cost", "cost", urlparse("")) factory = XFactoryRegistry().current_default() self.ATTR_TOTAL = factory.create_attribute_continuous("cost:total", 0.0, self) self.ATTR_CURRENCY = factory.create_attribute_literal("cost:currency", "UNKNOWN", self) self.ATTR_AMOUNT = factory.create_attribute_continuous("cost:amount", 0.0, self) self.ATTR_DRIVER = factory.create_attribute_literal("cost:driver", "UNKNOWN", self) self.ATTR_TYPE = factory.create_attribute_literal("cost:type", "UNKNOWN", self) self.get_trace_attributes().add(self.ATTR_TOTAL.clone()) self.get_trace_attributes().add(self.ATTR_CURRENCY.clone()) self.get_event_attributes().add(self.ATTR_TOTAL.clone()) self.get_event_attributes().add(self.ATTR_CURRENCY.clone()) self.get_event_attributes().add(self.ATTR_AMOUNT.clone()) self.get_event_attributes().add(self.ATTR_DRIVER.clone()) self.get_event_attributes().add(self.ATTR_TYPE.clone()) XGlobalAttributeNameMap().register_mapping("EN", "cost:total", "Total Cost") XGlobalAttributeNameMap().register_mapping("EN", "cost:currency", "Currency of Cost") XGlobalAttributeNameMap().register_mapping("EN", "cost:amount", "Cost Amount") XGlobalAttributeNameMap().register_mapping("EN", "cost:driver", "Cost Driver") XGlobalAttributeNameMap().register_mapping("EN", "cost:type", "Cost Type")
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_total(element): """Retrieves the total costs of a trace or event, if set by this extension's total attribute. :param element: Trace or Event to retrieve total costs for. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :return: The requested total costs. :rtype: float """ attribute = element.get_attributes().get("cost:total") if attribute: return attribute.get_value() return None
[docs] def assign_total(self, element, total): """Assigns any trace or event its total costs, as defined by this extension's total attribute. :param element: Trace or Event to assign total costs to. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :param total: The total costs to be assigned. :type total: float """ if total is not None and total > 0: attr = self.ATTR_TOTAL.clone() attr.set_value(total) element.get_attributes()["cost:total"] = attr
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_currency(element): """Retrieves the cost currency for an event or trace, if set by this extension's currency attribute. :param element: Event or Trace to retrieve currency for. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :return: The requested cost currency. :rtype: str """ attribute = element.get_attributes().get("cost:currency") if attribute: return attribute.get_value() return None
[docs] def assign_currency(self, element, currency): """Assigns any trace or event its cost currency, as defined by this extension's currency attribute. :param element: Trace or Event to assign cost currency to. :type element: `XEvent` or `XEvent` :param currency: The currency to be assigned. :type currency: str """ if currency is not None and len(currency.strip()) > 0: attr = self.ATTR_CURRENCY.clone() attr.set_value(currency) element.get_attributes()["concept:name"] = attr
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_amount(attribute): """Retrieves the cost amount for an attribute, if set by this extension's amount attribute. :param attribute: Attribute element to retrieve cost amount for. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :return: The requested cost amount. :rtype: float """ attr = attribute.get_attributes().get("cost:amount") if attr: return attr.get_value() return None
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_amounts(element): """Retrieves a map containing all cost amounts for all child attributes of an event. For example, the XES fragment::: <trace> <string key="a" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="10.00"/> <string key="b" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="20.00"/> </string> <string key="c" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="30.00"/> </string> </string> <string key="b" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="15.00"/> </string> <string key="c" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="25.00"/> </string> </trace> should result into the following::: {"a": 10.00, "b": 15.00, "c": 25.00} :param element: Trace or Event to retrieve all cost amounts for. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :return: Dictionary with all child keys to cost amounts. :rtype: dict(str: float) """ return XCostAmount().extract_values(element)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_nested_amounts(element): """Retrieves a map containing all cost amounts for all child attributes of an event. For example, the XES fragment::: <trace> <string key="a" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="10.00"/> <string key="b" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="20.00"/> </string> <string key="c" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="30.00"/> </string> </string> <string key="b" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="15.00"/> </string> <string key="c" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="25.00"/> </string> </trace> should result into the following::: {["a"]: 10.00, ["a", "b"]: 20.00, ["a", "c"]: 30.00, ["b"]: 15.00, ["c"]: 25.00} :param element: Trace or Event to retrieve all cost amounts for. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :return: Dictionary with all descending keys to cost amounts. :rtype: dict(list[str]: float) """ return XCostAmount().extract_nested_values(element)
[docs] def assign_amount(self, attribute, amount): """Assigns any attribute its cost amount, as defined by this extension's amount attribute. :param attribute: Attribute to assign cost amount to :type attribute: `XAttribute` :param amount: The cost amount to be assigned. :type amount: float """ if amount is not None and amount > 0: attr = self.ATTR_AMOUNT.clone() attr.set_value(amount) attribute.get_attributes()["cost:amount"] = attr
[docs] @staticmethod def assign_amounts(element, amounts): """Assigns (to the given trace or event) multiple amounts given their keys. Note that as a side effect this method creates attributes when it does not find an attribute with the proper key. For example, the call::: assign_amounts(trace, {"a": 10.00, "b": 15.00, "c": 25.00}) should result into the following XES fragment::: <trace> <string key="a" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="10.00"/> </string> <string key="b" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="15.00"/> </string> <string key="c" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="25.00"/> </string> </trace> :param element: Trace or Event to assign the amounts to. :type element: `XEvent` or `XTrace` :param amounts: Dictionary with keys to amounts which are to be assigned. :type amounts: dict(str: float) """ XCostAmount().assign_values(element, amounts)
[docs] @staticmethod def assign_nested_amounts(element, amounts): """Assigns (to the given trace or event) multiple amounts given their key lists. The i-th element in the key list should correspond to an i-level attribute with the prescribed key. Note that as a side effect this method creates attributes when it does not find an attribute with the proper key. For example, the call::: assign_nested_amounts(trace, {["a"]: 10.00], ["a", "b"]: 20.00, ["a", "c"]: 30.00, ["b"]: 15.00, ["c"]: 25.00}) should result into the following XES fragment::: <trace> <string key="a" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="10.00"/> <string key="b" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="20.00"/> </string> <string key="c" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="30.00"/> </string> </string> <string key="b" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="15.00"/> </string> <string key="c" value=""> <float key="cost:amount" value="25.00"/> </string> </trace> :param element: Trace or Event to assign the amounts to. :type element: `XEvent` or `XTrace` :param amounts: Dictionary with list of keys to amounts which are to be assigned. :type amounts: dict(list[str]: float) """ XCostAmount().assign_nested_values(element, amounts)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_driver(attribute): """Retrieves the cost driver for an attribute, if set by this extension's driver attribute. :param attribute: Attribute element to retrieve cost driver for. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :return: The requested cost driver. :rtype: str """ attr = attribute.get_attributes().get("cost:driver") if attr: return attr.get_value() return None
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_drivers(element): """Retrieves a map containing all cost drivers for all child attributes of a trace or event. :param element: Trace or Event to retrieve all cost drivers for. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :return: Dictionary with all child keys to cost drivers. :rtype: dict(str: str) """ return XCostDriver().extract_values(element)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_nested_drivers(element): """Retrieves a map containing all cost drivers for all descending attributes of a trace or event. :param element: Trace or Event to retrieve all cost drivers for. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :return: Dictionary with all descending keys to cost drivers. :rtype: dict(list[str]: str) """ return XCostDriver().extract_nested_values(element)
[docs] def assign_driver(self, attribute, driver): """Assigns any attribute its cost driver, as defined by this extension's driver attribute. :param attribute: Attribute to assign cost driver to. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :param driver: The cost driver to be assigned. :type driver: str """ if driver is not None and len(driver.strip()) > 0: attr = self.ATTR_DRIVER.clone() attr.set_value(driver) attribute.get_attributes()["cost:driver"] = attr
[docs] @staticmethod def assign_drivers(element, drivers): """Assigns (to the given trace or event) multiple cost drivers given their keys. Note that as a side effect this method creates attributes when it does not find an attribute with the proper key. :param element: Trace or Event to assign the cost drivers to. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :param drivers: Dictionary with keys to cost drivers which are to be assigned. :type drivers: dict(str: str) """ XCostDriver().assign_values(element, drivers)
[docs] @staticmethod def assign_nested_drivers(element, drivers): """Assigns (to the given trace) multiple cost drivers given their key lists. The i-th element in the key list should correspond to an i-level attribute with the prescribed key. Note that as a side effect this method creates attributes when it does not find an attribute with the proper key. :param element: Trace or Event to assign the cost drivers to. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :param drivers: Dictionary with keys to cost drivers which are to be assigned. :type drivers: dict(list[str]: str) """ XCostDriver().assign_nested_values(element, drivers)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_type(attribute): """Retrieves the cost type for an attribute, if set by this extension's type attribute. :param attribute: Attribute element to retrieve cost type for. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :return: The requested cost type. :rtype: str """ attr = attribute.get_attributes().get("cost:type") if attr: return attr.get_value() return None
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_types(element): """Retrieves a map containing all cost types for all child attributes of a trace or event. :param element: Trace or Event to retrieve all cost types for. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :return: Dictionary with all child keys to cost types. :rtype: dict(str: str) """ return XCostType().extract_values(element)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_nested_types(element): """Retrieves a map containing all cost types for all descending attributes of a trace or event. :param element: Trace or Event to retrieve all cost types for. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :return: Dictionary with all descending keys to cost types. :rtype: dict(list[str]: str) """ return XCostType().extract_nested_values(element)
[docs] def assign_type(self, attribute, type_): """Assigns any attribute its cost type, as defined by this extension's type attribute. :param attribute: Attribute to assign cost type to. :type attribute: `XAttribute` :param type_: The cost type to be assigned. :type type_: str """ if type_ is not None and len(type_.strip()) > 0: attr = self.ATTR_TYPE.clone() attr.set_value(type) attribute.get_attributes()["cost:type"] = attr
[docs] @staticmethod def assign_types(element, types): """Assigns (to the given event or trace) multiple cost types given their keys. Note that as a side effect this method creates attributes when it does not find an attribute with the proper key. :param element: Event or Trace to assign the cost types to. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :param types: Dictionary with keys to cost types which are to be assigned. :type types: dict(list[str]: str) """ XCostType().assign_nested_values(element, types)
[docs] @staticmethod def assign_nested_types(element, types): """Assigns (to the given trace or event) multiple cost types given their key lists. The i-th element in the key list should correspond to an i-level attribute with the prescribed key. Note that as a side effect this method creates attributes when it does not find an attribute with the proper key. :param element: Event or Trace to assign the cost types to. :type element: `XTrace` or `XEvent` :param types: Dictionary with keys to cost types which are to be assigned. :type types: dict(list[str]: str) """ XCostType().assign_nested_values(element, types)