Source code for opyenxes.data_out.XMxmlSerializer

from opyenxes.log.XLogging import XLogging
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as Et
from xml.dom import minidom
from opyenxes.extension.std.XConceptExtension import XConceptExtension

[docs]class XMxmlSerializer: """MXML serialization for XES data (legacy implementation). Note that this serialization may be lossy, you should preferrably use the XES.XML serialization for XES data. """ def __init__(self): self.__known_types = set() self.__known_types.add("schedule") self.__known_types.add("assign") self.__known_types.add("withdraw") self.__known_types.add("reassign") self.__known_types.add("start") self.__known_types.add("suspend") self.__known_types.add("resume") self.__known_types.add("pi_abort") self.__known_types.add("ate_abort") self.__known_types.add("complete") self.__known_types.add("autoskip") self.__known_types.add("manualskip")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_suffices(): """Returns an array of possible file suffices for this serialization. :return: An array of possible file suffices for this serialization. :rtype: list[str] """ return ["mxml"]
[docs] def serialize(self, log, out, in_bytes=False): """Serializes a given log to the given output stream. :param log: Log to be serialized. :type log: `XLog` :param out: TextIOWrapper for serialization. :type out: _io.TextIOWrapper :param in_bytes: Private argument to decide if serialized in bytes or in string :type in_bytes: bool """ XLogging().log("start serializing log to MXML", XLogging.Importance.DEBUG) start = time.time() * 1000 root = Et.Element("WorkflowLog") source = Et.SubElement(root, "Source") source.set("program", "XES MXML serialization") source.set("openxes.version", "1.0RC7") process = Et.SubElement(root, "Process") identity = XConceptExtension().extract_name(log) if identity is None: process.set("id", "none") else: process.set("id", identity) name = XConceptExtension().extract_name(log) if name is None: name = "None" process.set("description", "process with id " + name) self.add_model_reference(log, process) self.add_attribute(process, log.get_attributes().values()) for trace in log: instance = Et.SubElement(process, "ProcessInstance") identity = XConceptExtension().extract_name(trace) if identity is None: identity = "None" instance.set("id", identity) name = XConceptExtension().extract_name(trace) if name is None: name = "None" instance.set("description", "instance with id " + name) self.add_model_reference(trace, instance) self.add_attribute(instance, trace.get_attributes().values()) for event in trace: ate = Et.SubElement(instance, "AuditTrailEntry") self.add_attribute(ate, event.get_attributes().values()) workflow_mode = Et.SubElement(ate, "WorkflowModelElement") self.add_model_reference(event, workflow_mode) workflow_mode.text = XConceptExtension().extract_name(event) type_ = Et.SubElement(ate, "EventType") type_attr = event.get_attributes().get("lifecycle:transition") if type_attr: self.add_model_reference(type_attr, type_) originator_attr = type_attr.get_value().strip().lower() if originator_attr in self.__known_types: type_.text = originator_attr else: type_.set("unknownType", type_attr.get_value()) type_.text = "unknown" else: type_.text = "complete" originator_attr_1 = event.get_attributes().get("org:resource") if originator_attr_1 is None: originator_attr_1 = event.get_attributes().get("org:role") if originator_attr_1 is None: originator_attr_1 = event.get_attributes().get("org:group") if originator_attr_1 is not None: timestamp_attr = Et.SubElement(ate, "originator") self.add_model_reference(originator_attr_1, timestamp_attr) timestamp_attr.text = (originator_attr_1.get_value()) timestamp_attr_1 = event.get_attributes().get("time:timestamp") if timestamp_attr_1: timestamp = Et.SubElement(ate, "timestamp") self.add_model_reference(timestamp_attr_1, timestamp) date = timestamp_attr_1.get_value() timestamp.text = str(date) text = minidom.parseString(Et.tostring(root, "utf-8")) c1 = text.createComment("This file has been generated with the OpenXES library. It conforms") c2 = text.createComment("to the legacy MXML standard for log storage and management.") c3 = text.createComment("OpenXES library version: 1.0RC7") c4 = text.createComment("OpenXES is available from") text.insertBefore(c4, text.childNodes[0]) text.insertBefore(c3, text.childNodes[0]) text.insertBefore(c2, text.childNodes[0]) text.insertBefore(c1, text.childNodes[0]) if in_bytes: out.write(text.toprettyxml("\t").encode()) else: out.write(text.toprettyxml("\t")) duration1 = " (" + str(time.time() * 1000 - start) + " msec.)" XLogging().log("finished serializing log" + duration1, XLogging.Importance.DEBUG)
[docs] def add_attribute(self, tag, attributes, key_prefix=None): """Helper method, adds attributes to a tag. :param tag: The tag to add attributes to. :type tag: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :param attributes: The attributes to add. :type attributes: dict_values :param key_prefix: The Key prefix of attributes. :type key_prefix: str """ if key_prefix is None: key_prefix = "" node = Et.SubElement(tag, "Data") else: node = tag for attribute in attributes: if attribute.get_key() == "semantic:modelReference": attribute_tag = Et.SubElement(node, "attribute") attribute_tag.set("name", key_prefix + attribute.get_key()) self.add_model_reference(attribute, attribute_tag) if attribute_tag.text is None: attribute_tag.text = str(attribute) else: attribute_tag.text += str(attribute) sub_attributes = attribute.get_attributes().values() if len(sub_attributes) > 0: sub_key_prefix = attribute.get_key() if len(sub_key_prefix) > 0: sub_key_prefix = key_prefix + ":" + sub_key_prefix self.add_attribute(node, sub_key_prefix, sub_attributes)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_model_reference(element, target): """Helper method, adds all model references of an attributable to the given tag. :param element: Attributable element. :type element: `XAttributable` :param target: Tag to add model references to. :type target: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element """ model_ref_attr = element.get_attributes().get("semantic:modelReference") if model_ref_attr: target.set("modelReference", model_ref_attr.get_value())