Source code for opyenxes.data_in.XesXmlParser

from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
from xml.sax import parse as xml_parse
from urllib import parse
from opyenxes.factory.XFactoryRegistry import XFactoryRegistry
from opyenxes.extension.XExtensionManager import XExtensionManager
from opyenxes.classification.XEventAttributeClassifier import XEventAttributeClassifier
from opyenxes.utils.XsDateTimeConversion import parse_date_time
from opyenxes.utils.XTokenHelper import XTokenHelper
from import XID
from opyenxes.model.XAttributeCollection import XAttributeCollection

[docs]class XesXmlParser: """Parser for the XES XML serialization. :param factory: The XES model factory instance used to build the model from the serialization. :type factory: `XFactory` """ def __init__(self, factory=None): if factory: self.factory = factory else: self.factory = XFactoryRegistry().current_default()
[docs] def can_parse(self, file): """Checks whether this parser can handle the given file. :param file: path of the file to check against parser. :type file: str :return: Whether this parser can handle the given file. :rtype: bool """ return self.ends_with_ignore_case(file, ".xes")
[docs] def parse(self, file): """Parses a log from the given input stream, which is supposed to deliver an XES log in XML representation. :param file: file generated by the function 'open(path)', which is supposed to deliver an XES log in XML representation. :type file: _io.TextIOWrapper :return: The parsed list of logs. :rtype: list[`XLog`] """ handler = XesXmlParser.XesXmlHandler() xml_parse(file, handler) return [handler.get_log()]
[docs] @staticmethod def ends_with_ignore_case(name, suffix): """Returns whether the given file name ends (ignoring the case) with the given suffix. :param name: The given file name. :type name: str :param suffix: The given suffix. :type suffix: str :return: Whether the given file name ends (ignoring the case) with the given suffix. :rtype: bool """ i = len(name) - len(suffix) if i > 0: return suffix in name[i:] return False
[docs] class XesXmlHandler(ContentHandler): """SAX handler class for XES in XML representation. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__log = None self.__trace = None self.__event = None self.__attribute_stack = list() # stack self.__attributable_stack = list() # stack self.__extension = set() self.__globals = None self.__last = None
[docs] def get_log(self): """Retrieves the parsed log. :return: The parsed log. :rtype: `XLog` """ return self.__log
[docs] def startElement(self, element_name, attributes): """ Overrides startElement in class ContentHandler :param element_name: Contains the raw XML 1.0 name of the element type. :type element_name: str :param attributes: An instance of the Attributes class containing the attributes of the element :type attributes: xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl """ tag_name = element_name.lower() if tag_name not in ["string", "date", "int", "float", "boolean", "id", "list", "container"]: if tag_name == "event": self.__event = XesXmlParser().factory.create_event() self.__attributable_stack.append(self.__event) elif tag_name == "trace": self.__trace = XesXmlParser().factory.create_trace() self.__attributable_stack.append(self.__trace) elif tag_name == "log": self.__log = XesXmlParser().factory.create_log() for attr_name in attributes.getNames(): if attr_name.startswith('xes.') or \ attr_name.startswith('openxes.'): attr = attributes.get(attr_name) self.__log.set_features(attr_name, attr) self.__attributable_stack.append(self.__log) elif tag_name == "extension": extension = None prefix = attributes.get("prefix") keys = attributes.get("uri") if prefix is not None: extension = XExtensionManager().get_by_prefix(prefix) elif keys is not None: extension = XExtensionManager().get_by_uri(parse.urlparse(keys)) if extension is not None: self.__log.get_extensions().add(extension) else: print("Unknown extension: " + keys) elif tag_name == "global": name = attributes.get("scope") if name.lower() == "trace": self.__globals = self.__log.get_global_trace_attributes() elif name.lower() == "event": self.__globals = self.__log.get_global_event_attributes() elif tag_name == "classifier": name = attributes.get("name") keys = attributes.get("keys") if name is not None and keys is not None and len(name) > 0 and len(keys) > 0: array = XTokenHelper.extract_tokens(keys) classifier = XEventAttributeClassifier(name, array) self.__log.get_classifiers().append(classifier) else: name = attributes.get("key") if name is None: name = "UNKNOWN" value = attributes.get("value") if value is None: value = "" keys_list = None if ":" in name: prefix = name[:name.index(":")] keys_list = XExtensionManager().get_by_prefix(prefix) attribute = None if tag_name == "string": attribute = XesXmlParser().factory.create_attribute_literal(name, value, keys_list) elif tag_name == "date": var15 = parse_date_time(value) if var15 is None: return attribute = XesXmlParser().factory.create_attribute_timestamp(name, var15, keys_list) elif tag_name == "int": attribute = XesXmlParser().factory.create_attribute_discrete(name, int(value), keys_list) elif tag_name == "float": attribute = XesXmlParser().factory.create_attribute_continuous(name, float(value), keys_list) elif tag_name == "boolean": var16 = True if value.lower() == "true" else False attribute = XesXmlParser().factory.create_attribute_boolean(name, var16, keys_list) elif tag_name == "id": attribute = XesXmlParser().factory.create_attribute_id(name, XID.parse(value), keys_list) elif tag_name == "list": attribute = XesXmlParser().factory.create_attribute_list(name, keys_list) elif tag_name == "container": attribute = XesXmlParser().factory.create_attribute_container(name, keys_list) if attribute is not None: self.__attribute_stack.append(attribute) self.__attributable_stack.append(attribute)
[docs] def endElement(self, local_name): """ Overrides endElement in class ContentHandler :param local_name: The name of the element type, just as with the startElement event :type local_name: str """ tag_name = local_name if tag_name.lower() == "global": self.__globals = None elif tag_name.lower() not in ["string", "date", "int", "float", "boolean", "id", "list", "container"]: if tag_name.lower() == "event": self.__trace.append(self.__event) self.__event = None self.__attributable_stack.pop() elif tag_name.lower() == "trace": self.__log.append(self.__trace) self.__trace = None self.__attributable_stack.pop() elif tag_name.lower() == "log": for extension in self.__extension: self.__log.get_extensions().add(extension) self.__attributable_stack.pop() else: i = self.__attribute_stack.pop() self.__attributable_stack.pop() if self.__globals is not None: self.__globals.append(i) else: self.__attributable_stack[-1].get_attributes()[i.get_key()] = i if len(self.__attribute_stack) != 0 and\ isinstance(self.__attribute_stack[-1], XAttributeCollection): self.__attribute_stack[-1].add_to_collection(i)